Sunday, June 22, 2014

To the guy who broke my trust:


I know you will be reading this. Because you are stalking and irritating me on any form of platforms you are able to find.
I really didn't expect this to happen, like you clinging on to me.

Yea, you only asked for a time out.
And I wanted you back that day, cause it was too sudden and I was in a state of shock from your decision.
I took a time out as a break up, cause once you have a time out doesn't that means you can't confirm your feelings towards the other half?
Furthermore, I asked you that night if you were ever gonna come back... You just replied a maybe...
So I am expected to stand here on the same spot that you asked for a time out till you are back?

Don't be ridiculous.

I had enough of humilation for the last one month (Maybe even longer) that we were together. 

I seriously do not want to go back to you anymore..
Those days that I longed for you, it is really over.
Now your long messages that I longed for during the 1month plus, is just plain irritating .
For the 1 month, I had to cry to myself.
Crying going home after meeting you.
Seriously, and you could still just leave me crying by myself even when I am by your side.

Then what for?
Isn't it really too late to regret now?
I didn't leave for that one month that you treated me like shit.
I left when you had to sort out your feelings.
Cause I felt there was really no point staying on with someone who wandered off with someone and had to think of whether he wants to get back together with me....

Am I really worth so little?
I don't think I am to be treated like shit and still stick around.

My cousin told me yesterday that cheating is the worst level of treatment I should receive.
& yea,  cheating is really something that turned me off.
Maybe you wanted me back 1 week after the break up... But the way you talked didn't show any remorse.
Turning me off even further.
& now you are back pleading when you turned me off completely?

I know my patience level is really high.
But really stop testing me....

I can't get back together with you and continue acting like nothing happened.
I wouldn't ever be able to face you the same way as before.
I know you will say love can conquer all, but love can't erase the scars that were left behind.

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