Sunday, June 8, 2014

Best thing I ever gain out of Uni

Met my beloved buddy from my statistic lesson!
Remembered that all our statistic lessons, we were never really listening to our tutor! 
We were basically playing around or stalking one another! 

Really appreciate having you as my friend and being so close to you <3 

Met my babe at 11.30 today for Lola's cafe! 

Didn't know Singaporeans wake up so early on a Sunday ! When we went there , we had to queue like 1hour for our seats! 

So yeah during the one hour we were like talking about my rs and all. 
So cute to see her being angry and all...

After getting our seats, we ordered like immediately.. 
But after waiting 20mins, nothing came...
So we checked with one of the staff and realized our order was missed out.
(Lousy service) already waited for 1hour and yet our order was not keyed in too..

So yeah, we started talking about 有的没的... 

Anyway photos that we took of ourselves  before pictures of the food!   
Pity the Egg Benedict was sold out! 
Food was not bad, I like the sausageeee
Overall, I don't think it was worth the 1hour wait. 
Cause basically after the meal, you will be like somehow pestered to leave the place.
Not a very nice place for the atmosphere of a cafe!
Because a café should be somewhere  you can chill & talk about everything under the sky for few hours ... (Maybe that's only my personal opinion) 

Anyway gotta thank my babe! 
Thank you for the small cheer up gift. 
Appreciate your care and concern! 
I love you to the moon and the back! <3

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