Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Great Grandma's wise words

Have been almost 3-4 years since great grandma passed away.
Having her photo sitting at one corner of the shelf makes me miss her time and time again.

Remembering the last advice she gave me.
Yea, my mom was complaining to her about how havoc I was by her bedside.
( I was already less havoc then though)
After listening to my mom's rant , great grandma told me : " Just remember, you are not stupid, you have my genes. "

& I thought that was the last advice I will ever ever get from her.
But in times of such desperate needs, when I am in confusion.
She saved me again with what she left behind.

Yeah, I was confused with wanting to get back with my ex ( yes, he came back) or to move on my life with someone new.

Told my mom about how I was feeling, and she dug out what my great grandma left behind and send it to me.

Traits of an ideal husband: 

1)  A healthy and bright / cheerful husband.
2)  A husband that know what the wife is thinking even before she says.
3) A husband that is manly and also have abundant of love. 
4) A husband that work hard and put his soul into his job.
5) A husband that will calculate and plan for livelihood, stability and the happiness of the family.
6) A husband that have the ability to catch up with the advancement of time.
7) A husband that somewhat gives of the feeling of being elegant and of greatness.
8) A husband that like alcohol to a certain acceptable extent.
9) A husband that always have sincerity and kindness.
10) A husband that doesn't stay over / go home without permission / telling the wife.

After reading ,  I made up my mind.
However maybe I have already made up my mind already & I just needed something to push me forward.
Thank you for being the pushing force.

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