Sunday, June 29, 2014

& I promise I will try my best

Believe everyone saw my picture with L on instagram..

Can't help thinking whether I am still dreaming ...
Cause he is really the prefect guy (Maybe in my eyes only).

Maybe just because we are still in the honeymoon period that is why he is treating me good.
But really no guy ever treated me as nice as him.
Let's just hope I don't ruin this. (I pray)
Really grateful for his existence every day.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

To the guy who broke my trust:


I know you will be reading this. Because you are stalking and irritating me on any form of platforms you are able to find.
I really didn't expect this to happen, like you clinging on to me.

Yea, you only asked for a time out.
And I wanted you back that day, cause it was too sudden and I was in a state of shock from your decision.
I took a time out as a break up, cause once you have a time out doesn't that means you can't confirm your feelings towards the other half?
Furthermore, I asked you that night if you were ever gonna come back... You just replied a maybe...
So I am expected to stand here on the same spot that you asked for a time out till you are back?

Don't be ridiculous.

I had enough of humilation for the last one month (Maybe even longer) that we were together. 

I seriously do not want to go back to you anymore..
Those days that I longed for you, it is really over.
Now your long messages that I longed for during the 1month plus, is just plain irritating .
For the 1 month, I had to cry to myself.
Crying going home after meeting you.
Seriously, and you could still just leave me crying by myself even when I am by your side.

Then what for?
Isn't it really too late to regret now?
I didn't leave for that one month that you treated me like shit.
I left when you had to sort out your feelings.
Cause I felt there was really no point staying on with someone who wandered off with someone and had to think of whether he wants to get back together with me....

Am I really worth so little?
I don't think I am to be treated like shit and still stick around.

My cousin told me yesterday that cheating is the worst level of treatment I should receive.
& yea,  cheating is really something that turned me off.
Maybe you wanted me back 1 week after the break up... But the way you talked didn't show any remorse.
Turning me off even further.
& now you are back pleading when you turned me off completely?

I know my patience level is really high.
But really stop testing me....

I can't get back together with you and continue acting like nothing happened.
I wouldn't ever be able to face you the same way as before.
I know you will say love can conquer all, but love can't erase the scars that were left behind.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Great Grandma's wise words

Have been almost 3-4 years since great grandma passed away.
Having her photo sitting at one corner of the shelf makes me miss her time and time again.

Remembering the last advice she gave me.
Yea, my mom was complaining to her about how havoc I was by her bedside.
( I was already less havoc then though)
After listening to my mom's rant , great grandma told me : " Just remember, you are not stupid, you have my genes. "

& I thought that was the last advice I will ever ever get from her.
But in times of such desperate needs, when I am in confusion.
She saved me again with what she left behind.

Yeah, I was confused with wanting to get back with my ex ( yes, he came back) or to move on my life with someone new.

Told my mom about how I was feeling, and she dug out what my great grandma left behind and send it to me.

Traits of an ideal husband: 

1)  A healthy and bright / cheerful husband.
2)  A husband that know what the wife is thinking even before she says.
3) A husband that is manly and also have abundant of love. 
4) A husband that work hard and put his soul into his job.
5) A husband that will calculate and plan for livelihood, stability and the happiness of the family.
6) A husband that have the ability to catch up with the advancement of time.
7) A husband that somewhat gives of the feeling of being elegant and of greatness.
8) A husband that like alcohol to a certain acceptable extent.
9) A husband that always have sincerity and kindness.
10) A husband that doesn't stay over / go home without permission / telling the wife.

After reading ,  I made up my mind.
However maybe I have already made up my mind already & I just needed something to push me forward.
Thank you for being the pushing force.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Thank you for treating me like a princess

Been living in like a palace since I broke up lah.
Oops, maybe too exaggerating.
But seriously, I have too nice friends.

I don't know if they will even be reading this...

1) The guy who spend all his time entertaining my nonsense and remembering the small details:

Thank you for the little things that you did daily for this past  2weeks.
Setting your alarm & waking up at 6.30am everyday, regardless of what time you slept the previous day, just to send me a morning message...
Even though how tired you are, you just make it a point to send me that message , chat with me for awhile, sometimes even an hour and then falling back into your deep sleep.

Somehow scolded you (jokingly) the other day cause I woke up late, and you didn't notice I was still asleep..
But you remembered the small details, and gave me a call yesterday morning after not receiving my reply.

Appreciate all the small things that you have done for me.

2) The guy who is always buying me snacks
Super super thank you, but also angry with you.
Why always buy snacks for me?
I am trying my best to cut down my intake and diet.
Then there you are , buying me da bao, buying me popiah.

But still really gotta thank you!

3) The guy who is regularly checking on me by messaging me.

Serious, I knew all along that he is a nice guy.
But didn't know he is so so nice.
The day after I broke up, he like spend the whole day with me.
Bringing me to his colleague wedding, when I am wearing shorts....... (Super awkward)
Driving me home after that even though how tired he was.

Regularly checking on me every few days to see how I am coping with the break up

Super love you to the max. Seeing me cry and all.
Standing up for me and scolding me for being stupid and all.
Really thanks for the constant nagging , and craziness.
I will always be here for you too!

Last but not least, all the people that have been caring for me by dropping me messages to cheer me up.

Just one tweet, and my dear Janis immediately send me a message to cheer me up.
Haha,  a photo of herself accompanied the message though....

I feel so blessed and pampered  <3

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Best thing I ever gain out of Uni

Met my beloved buddy from my statistic lesson!
Remembered that all our statistic lessons, we were never really listening to our tutor! 
We were basically playing around or stalking one another! 

Really appreciate having you as my friend and being so close to you <3 

Met my babe at 11.30 today for Lola's cafe! 

Didn't know Singaporeans wake up so early on a Sunday ! When we went there , we had to queue like 1hour for our seats! 

So yeah during the one hour we were like talking about my rs and all. 
So cute to see her being angry and all...

After getting our seats, we ordered like immediately.. 
But after waiting 20mins, nothing came...
So we checked with one of the staff and realized our order was missed out.
(Lousy service) already waited for 1hour and yet our order was not keyed in too..

So yeah, we started talking about 有的没的... 

Anyway photos that we took of ourselves  before pictures of the food!   
Pity the Egg Benedict was sold out! 
Food was not bad, I like the sausageeee
Overall, I don't think it was worth the 1hour wait. 
Cause basically after the meal, you will be like somehow pestered to leave the place.
Not a very nice place for the atmosphere of a cafe!
Because a café should be somewhere  you can chill & talk about everything under the sky for few hours ... (Maybe that's only my personal opinion) 

Anyway gotta thank my babe! 
Thank you for the small cheer up gift. 
Appreciate your care and concern! 
I love you to the moon and the back! <3

Saturday, June 7, 2014


 Went to 2D1N that day w 3 current colleagues and 2 ex colleagues!

Miss those times when they were working in our company! 
But everyone have to upgrade I guess. 
Staying in the same company doing the same work everyday will just make it a habit... 
& we wouldn't be learning anything new! 

Anyway we went to the branch at tanjong pagar! But they took my reservation on the wrong day! What the .... 
So waited for awhile before we decided to go to the other branch near outram! 
Headed over and waited for about 20mins before getting our seat! 

My first experience at Korean BBQ! 
The meat was nice (Y) 
Meat fanatic here.. 
Couldn't get to try the beef! Cause most of them don't eat beef :( 

But a pity I couldn't eat more! 
I can't eat as much compared to the past... 
But my appetite have been picking up these few days anyway! 

After our dinner, we paid for the $1 melon icecream...
Ice cream totally melting and not very nice ....

So skip the ice cream after the buffet! 

And I realize how smelly I smelled after the Korean BBQ! 
Lucky Kerine prepared hair spray  cause we were gonna take the mrt home!

Pics from that night 
(Sorry no time take food picture) 

Anyway I met a guy & this guy have been pretty sweet to me. 
Err. He met me the day I had Korean BBQ and accompanied me from Bishan all the way home carrying a huge duffel bag... 
Knowing I was having dry throat and all, he bought like a super big ppg for me. 
Thanks so much for your care and concern.

Monday, June 2, 2014

"You can only lose something that you have, but you can not lose something that you are"

I am who I am, and seriously, I wouldn't behave any differently because you left me.
I play, I laugh.
I move on with my life.

Time waits for no one.
So I will move on , and not let any time go to waste.

You leaving me will not change who I am.
I will find someone that loves me much more, cherish me and pamper me like a princess.

Someone that accepts me for who I am.
Someone that I can rely on, and that I can trust 100%.