Sunday, May 4, 2014

Turn offs

With the increase use of different social media (Facebook, Wechat, etc).
It allows people to hit on and talk to people that they didn't met before.

However, as a girl..
Some people just turn me off

** It's just how I feel.. not all girls. Maybe I am super particular.  Well, but this is my blog ..

1) Calling us by our name

Starting conversations with :  "Hi Yahui".
Sorry, I don't remember  being so close with you that you can call me by my name.
It just gives me the goosebumps when people call me by my name...

It's just me, maybe...

2) Calling us Boss

" Hey boss, What you doing boss"
Tsk. It is already annoying once I see it.
Regardless of whoever is telling me this (even if it is my friends)

3) Knowing that I am a Half Jap and trying to talk in weird Japanese language

Errr... Mind you, it is pretty insulting. You insult the beautiful culture of the country by misusing all the words.  And just because I am a half jap, it doesn't mean I should make you Sushi.

4) Calling us beautiful, cutie or pretty or whatever cheesy words you can think off

Already somewhat gives us a clue what sort of guy you are. & if we are ever going to date you, we don't know whether everything you are telling us is only meant for us or you are telling that to everyone...

5) Sending lovey dovey messages that seem to have been copied from somewhere 
I don't know if this happens to anyone my age now... Cause I remember during my poly days, there was this guy trying to woo me.
In like 5 minutes, he send about 2 super sweet messages.
But once I read it, I knew it was copied from somewhere...
Major turn off... I didn't even feel anything for him. I just felt that he was pretty disgusting.

6) Asking " How are you"

I know, this doesn't seem serious.
But seriously, what do you expect me to reply.
This conversation will go no where.
You ask me , I reply, I ask you how are you and you reply the same " I am fine"....
TADAH, Conversation ends...

7) The never ending spammer
This one power. I know of quite of lot of such people.
Asking me to go out, I just ignore cause I have a freaking boyf and I don't have any interest in you.
Furthermore you are very irritating...
But still don't get the hint after I don't reply. Just keep asking and asking and asking.
I think this one guy I knew he was quite persistent.
For 1 year, he send such messages time and time again.
I don't get how thickskin he can get lo... 

That's about all that I can think of now.
Stop doing such things & maybe you can find a girlfriend

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