Thursday, May 1, 2014

Alone time 26 April..

Went to the museum today alone (cause I couldn't find a buddy , OK la actually no. It's just that I prefer going alone)
They have like four exhibition going on . & one of it ended on the 29th!
So i dragged my lazy self to wake up at 8am and headed to the museum.. 
Reached the museum at about 10.30am..

So the first exhibition I went to was the botanical garden exhibition.. ( It's just on the right side when you enter the museum)
Did you know that during 1880s, botanical garden produced hundreds of thousands trees to be planted along our roadside  and in our parks?! 
Yea, some of those trees are made in Singapore's own botanical garden! 

The exhibition ends on 11 May!
So if you are free, you should head on down to check out on the history of singapore's rubber plantation and botanical garden!

Well, maybe you won't find it as interesting as I thought.
But won't hurt to visit, cause it is FREEEEEEEE.

The next exhibition I went to was the "People's collection - A special exhibition" . 
It was just along the walkway leading to food for thought. 
But I spend a good 20minutes around that corner.
It showed the items of past Singapore from 1950s to the 1980s. 
This was the exhibition that was ending on the 29th.
So I had to rush down to catch it.

Pretty interesting stuffs you can see. 
Like marketing that tiger balm did last time .
Did you know the owner bought a car, attached a tiger's head on the front of the car, 
painted the car in stripes and whenever he horns instead of the usual horn sound we hear, it gives off a roar everytime he pressed the horn. 

Damn cool right. 
Didn't regret a single bit for rushing down before the exhibition ended! 
Anyway the next exhibition I went to was "Genesis"

It is a photo exhibition showcasing black and white images by world renowned photographer, SebastiĆ£o Salgado,
Some of it are on the landscape of mountainous area.
However the one that really interested me was the picture he took for tribes.
Those pictures were really captivating! 

This exhibition is going on till 27July so there is still plenty of time to catch it! 
I took about 10-15mins on this exhibition.
I am not so into photography... So only the tribal portion interested me :x

The last exhibition I wanted to take a look at was  "We: Defining Stories"
I thought it started on the 26th.
Apparantely for that day, it was only for special guided tour for Straits time reader.

So I guess I have to go back another day for the guided tour, probably after my exams.
Free guided tour on every Saturday and Sunday (2.30pm).
Anyway exhibition is till 31Aug , I will probably head down around the end of May.

Yes, by myself again.... Unless I can find a friend that is willing to stare at a picture for about 5minutes quietly.

If anyone is willing to head down with me,please tell me!
I will consider. HAHAHA

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