Sunday, May 25, 2014

Going through a breakup.

I know you just got ditch, you just got cheated on.

It is very hard for you.
I know exactly how you are feeling.
Cause I am experiencing this now.

You feel that the person that your whole life was revolving around is gone.
& that your life have no more meaning.

I know exactly how you feel, cause that is how I am feeling right now.
Maybe you feel like attempting suicide, you feel like just self-inflicting harm on yourself.
But please no, don't.
It only makes you feel very needy and attention seeking.

What you should do is start going out.
Start contacting your best friend or your old friends.
Don't worry, they won't judge.
They will be there for you.

Even though going out with them won't help erase this awful feeling you have.
It will make you feel better.
I am serious.

I went out with my bunch of friends.
& we went all high and crazy on a FREAKING SUNDAY.

Here is our sister code that my friend just randomly stated:
1) No dating of anyone that our friends dated
2) No snatching of anything that belongs to others
3) No dating of anyone that is in our group of friends.
   We don't wanna lose our group.

& they just went like
we are the awesome girls.

I didn't know who was going through the break up seriously.
Cause apparantely I was the least agitated.
Haha, they were almost going crazy...

Well, that sorta cheer my day out.
& by the time I reached home, I was mad tired from all the laughing.

If you don't have such friends now, start making them!
Start socializing.

Like during my 3rd breakup caused by cheating.
I didn't have any friends.
I was lonely even though I was in poly where I could meet my friends everyday.
But I didn't have those friends that I could be myself and act totally crazy.
I totally regretted, cause I was the one pushing them away.
Because of my " WONDERFUL" boyfriend.

After that break up, I told myself that even if I have a boyfriend.
I still have to keep my friends close by.
& I am telling you, that is what is helping me through this break up.

I stop crying after the morning of Saturday.
All these care and comfort made me feel I should start standing up for these people that care.
& yea, I was already laughing around since Saturday.

My friends thought I was playing a prank on them when I told them I broke up.
Cause apparantely my reaction was too mild, and I was laughing like crazy.
But well, I might be faking those.
But I have a reason and a motivation to turn these fake laughter , these fake happiness in to real laughter and happiness.
& all these motivation come from all these care and concern of my friends.

So start making new friends.
I know it might be hard, but just get this courage to join a CCA or to join a camp.
Cause surely, you will find awesome friends like my friends :D

To my dear friends:
Thanks for cheering me up.
And going crazy for me.
Meeting me at such short notice.

Glad to have met you all.
The best decision I ever made.

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