Friday, May 23, 2014

Thanks for the memories

Have been together for officially 980days today. But he ask for a time out. 

I know the reason. 
& yes, every guy who does it is a jerk.
I should have saw it coming. 
He was like that, he wouldn't change, but I chose to believe he will change for me.

To girls who got cheated on:
I don't know what to say. Cause I got cheated and dump for maybe the 5th time already. This hurt is really overwhelming. & it will make you lose all hopes in guys. 

But through this rs even though he betrayed you, I am sure you gain something. You gained happy memories for that duration. 

I don't know how to cheer up someone who have been cheated on but one thing for sure. Love yourself alittle more.
& for your future loves, don't give up your friends or your family. 

You will realize that they are the one who will always be there for you.
& I felt it yesterday and also today. 

Maybe you came to this blog hoping to find ways to get back your ex boyf. 
But I am telling you, I can't teach or I can't guarantee the guy will come back cause mine haven't. 

But one thing I gotta tell you... 
A leopard never changes it spot.
I learnt this the hard way . Through a almost 3 years relationship. 
So I hope you girls don't even start off with such a relationship, cause it makes you old. Ya the impact it have on you mentally.
"Do I still want him back?" 
Maybe if he changes himself.. 
Cause I love him. 
I know it's wrong but if he changes I am more than willing to forget all this .

But if no, then it's really farewell.

I met him yesterday after he msg me for a time out. 
Beg him, hug him and cry like some baby..
I felt stupid. I shouldn't have done that.
So please don't do that girls. 
No, don't cry cause he is not worth it.
He should cry cause he hurt you!
You are someone that is so beautiful and someone that deserve real true love. 
You shouldn't cry clinging onto such love.

No, you shouldn't. 

Just remember someone loves you out there. & the one that love you the most will be your mom. 
I cried in my morher's arm today. It really make me feel much more relieve. 
My younger sister came up to hug me.
My brother promised he wouldn't make his girlfriend go through such hurt. 

your family always love you the most. 

To the girls who decide to get together with someone who already had a girlfriend:

Good luck to you. Cause this cycle is just gonna happen.
You snatch others, others will come and snatch yours. 

I think in the first place you shouldn't have even pounce on someone that is attached.
Even if he msg you or what, you should tell him it is wrong.

Well. I guess all this was written cause I wanted to remind myself that I still have friends. I still have family. I still have myself to love. 

So I will let nature takes it course. 
& await for what god has in plans for us.

Thanks for everything.
Just let me say another I love you before I close this chapter and move on. 
" I love you, I really really loved you. " 
2days is the max I give myself to cry over you..  
After that the yahui everyone knows will be back. 

Stronger and happier.
Don't pity me.
I don't need your pity.
Don't have any intentions on me, like trying to hit on me since I am single. 
I will not talk to you. Cause you will do the same like him. 
Don't worry about me.
I don't need you all to worry. The more you worry, the more hurt I get.

Just treat me like how you usually treat me and just be there for me when I need you all. 
I am more than happy with that.
Don't start cursing him for being a jerk. 
It just hurts me more.
Don't tell me he was a nice guy too. 
Just don't talk to me about him. Give me a week. 
I will laugh it off. 
I promise 💪

I love you all. 
& thanks for sticking by me during such a tough period of mine.
I will be there for you too when you need me.
Just give me a call. 

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