Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Selfish people lose so much in life, because even when they realize they are wrong , they don't know how to ask for forgiveness or show regrets

Finally meeting my ex-colleagues tomorrow at 2D1N.
First time tryinggg.
Hope it will be niceeee.

But recently, have no appetite.
Think I am gonna super waste money.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Going through a breakup.

I know you just got ditch, you just got cheated on.

It is very hard for you.
I know exactly how you are feeling.
Cause I am experiencing this now.

You feel that the person that your whole life was revolving around is gone.
& that your life have no more meaning.

I know exactly how you feel, cause that is how I am feeling right now.
Maybe you feel like attempting suicide, you feel like just self-inflicting harm on yourself.
But please no, don't.
It only makes you feel very needy and attention seeking.

What you should do is start going out.
Start contacting your best friend or your old friends.
Don't worry, they won't judge.
They will be there for you.

Even though going out with them won't help erase this awful feeling you have.
It will make you feel better.
I am serious.

I went out with my bunch of friends.
& we went all high and crazy on a FREAKING SUNDAY.

Here is our sister code that my friend just randomly stated:
1) No dating of anyone that our friends dated
2) No snatching of anything that belongs to others
3) No dating of anyone that is in our group of friends.
   We don't wanna lose our group.

& they just went like
we are the awesome girls.

I didn't know who was going through the break up seriously.
Cause apparantely I was the least agitated.
Haha, they were almost going crazy...

Well, that sorta cheer my day out.
& by the time I reached home, I was mad tired from all the laughing.

If you don't have such friends now, start making them!
Start socializing.

Like during my 3rd breakup caused by cheating.
I didn't have any friends.
I was lonely even though I was in poly where I could meet my friends everyday.
But I didn't have those friends that I could be myself and act totally crazy.
I totally regretted, cause I was the one pushing them away.
Because of my " WONDERFUL" boyfriend.

After that break up, I told myself that even if I have a boyfriend.
I still have to keep my friends close by.
& I am telling you, that is what is helping me through this break up.

I stop crying after the morning of Saturday.
All these care and comfort made me feel I should start standing up for these people that care.
& yea, I was already laughing around since Saturday.

My friends thought I was playing a prank on them when I told them I broke up.
Cause apparantely my reaction was too mild, and I was laughing like crazy.
But well, I might be faking those.
But I have a reason and a motivation to turn these fake laughter , these fake happiness in to real laughter and happiness.
& all these motivation come from all these care and concern of my friends.

So start making new friends.
I know it might be hard, but just get this courage to join a CCA or to join a camp.
Cause surely, you will find awesome friends like my friends :D

To my dear friends:
Thanks for cheering me up.
And going crazy for me.
Meeting me at such short notice.

Glad to have met you all.
The best decision I ever made.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Thanks for the memories

Have been together for officially 980days today. But he ask for a time out. 

I know the reason. 
& yes, every guy who does it is a jerk.
I should have saw it coming. 
He was like that, he wouldn't change, but I chose to believe he will change for me.

To girls who got cheated on:
I don't know what to say. Cause I got cheated and dump for maybe the 5th time already. This hurt is really overwhelming. & it will make you lose all hopes in guys. 

But through this rs even though he betrayed you, I am sure you gain something. You gained happy memories for that duration. 

I don't know how to cheer up someone who have been cheated on but one thing for sure. Love yourself alittle more.
& for your future loves, don't give up your friends or your family. 

You will realize that they are the one who will always be there for you.
& I felt it yesterday and also today. 

Maybe you came to this blog hoping to find ways to get back your ex boyf. 
But I am telling you, I can't teach or I can't guarantee the guy will come back cause mine haven't. 

But one thing I gotta tell you... 
A leopard never changes it spot.
I learnt this the hard way . Through a almost 3 years relationship. 
So I hope you girls don't even start off with such a relationship, cause it makes you old. Ya the impact it have on you mentally.
"Do I still want him back?" 
Maybe if he changes himself.. 
Cause I love him. 
I know it's wrong but if he changes I am more than willing to forget all this .

But if no, then it's really farewell.

I met him yesterday after he msg me for a time out. 
Beg him, hug him and cry like some baby..
I felt stupid. I shouldn't have done that.
So please don't do that girls. 
No, don't cry cause he is not worth it.
He should cry cause he hurt you!
You are someone that is so beautiful and someone that deserve real true love. 
You shouldn't cry clinging onto such love.

No, you shouldn't. 

Just remember someone loves you out there. & the one that love you the most will be your mom. 
I cried in my morher's arm today. It really make me feel much more relieve. 
My younger sister came up to hug me.
My brother promised he wouldn't make his girlfriend go through such hurt. 

your family always love you the most. 

To the girls who decide to get together with someone who already had a girlfriend:

Good luck to you. Cause this cycle is just gonna happen.
You snatch others, others will come and snatch yours. 

I think in the first place you shouldn't have even pounce on someone that is attached.
Even if he msg you or what, you should tell him it is wrong.

Well. I guess all this was written cause I wanted to remind myself that I still have friends. I still have family. I still have myself to love. 

So I will let nature takes it course. 
& await for what god has in plans for us.

Thanks for everything.
Just let me say another I love you before I close this chapter and move on. 
" I love you, I really really loved you. " 
2days is the max I give myself to cry over you..  
After that the yahui everyone knows will be back. 

Stronger and happier.
Don't pity me.
I don't need your pity.
Don't have any intentions on me, like trying to hit on me since I am single. 
I will not talk to you. Cause you will do the same like him. 
Don't worry about me.
I don't need you all to worry. The more you worry, the more hurt I get.

Just treat me like how you usually treat me and just be there for me when I need you all. 
I am more than happy with that.
Don't start cursing him for being a jerk. 
It just hurts me more.
Don't tell me he was a nice guy too. 
Just don't talk to me about him. Give me a week. 
I will laugh it off. 
I promise 💪

I love you all. 
& thanks for sticking by me during such a tough period of mine.
I will be there for you too when you need me.
Just give me a call. 

Monday, May 19, 2014


Woah signpost you really amaze me w your lousy service ...

My mom ordered some vinegar from Japan, and out of 12 bottles, you spoiled 2!
The whole base of the carton box is wet and smell like vinegar la. 

The fragile sticker is already pasted in the carton box, and your handling still suck like that. 

You know usually when you are not around , signpost will drop in the delivery advice. 
Nope not this time. They just leave it outside of our door.... 

Nice job. Don't wanna get a scolding for your lousy service at your branch right? 

Two freaking bottle of vinegar costed $50. $96!!!
& who got to absorb the cost?

Apparantely it isn't the first time this happen.
Already twice .......

& at least 4-5 times because we weren't around and they send it back to Japan. 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

" No one is going to love you, if you don't love yourself"


You have really push me too far.
Being with you is no more about joy or what, it is more of stress.

Stress that whatever I do will trigger you , trigger your angry cells.
Stress that my body , my face is of no perfection.
Stress that I gotta fight over you with your friend/ colleague.

 I don't know, I can't think of any happy moments we had for this past 1 month.
Only quarrels, and when we meet up , all I want to feel is to feel love.
But, no. I don't feel any love on-going between us.
You just stare into space, instead of looking into my eyes or looking at me lovingly.
You rather message your friends/ play your game, than hug me.

Yesterday, you got me all worried.
MIA for freaking 40minutes.
Without even picking up my phone, and when you finally send a message.
You send :" Can you stop calling me, I want my alone time."

For the past whole week you had your alone time, I only spend yesterday with you.
Only called you caused you didn't reply my message.
Was it that hard to tell me you went to find " HIM"

Oh gosh, I really hate "HIM" for causing so much problem for us this few months.
But he is your best friend now, I can't do anything.

Had to cry my eyes out, finding for people that I know wouldn't judge me.

& when I was finding for people to open up to, I realize my best friend was always you.
& I was your best friend till recently. Till you find this best friend of yours that snatch you from me.

But from today, I will stop.
Stop being so dependent on you.
Stop living my life around you.
Stop caring of whatever you want to do.
Stop crying cause of whatever you do.
Stop getting angry with you.
Stop giving in to you.
Stop treating you as a priority.

& find a new best friend.

Maybe only if I changed, only if I become more independent, you will come crawling back to me.
I don't know.
But it is worth a try. Cause really I tried so hard to put down this relationship.
But I can't. 2.5 years is really filled with many memories, and I can't bear to just let it go this way.
So instead of letting go, I am gonna change myself.
Maybe I changed into some one that was independent, to someone that is dependent on you.
That's why you changed too.

So I am going to change, I know it is hard.
But it is worth a try.
If it doesn't work out, then maybe this relationship is bound to end this way....
Unless you start changing, and treating me like your priority.
& love me like you used to.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


As promised, although a little late.
Shall update on my night spend at Level 33.

They are located at Marina Bay Financial Centre 1,
& there is a private lift leading all the way up straight to the restaurant.

The view is superb.. It's like you are looking down on Marina Bay Sands.
There are indoor and outdoor seats.
For the outdoor, there is a maximum spending requirement of $60/pax.
But the view is amazing, plus there is no glass or anything blocking you from the view.
However, if the weather happens to be bad, the outdoor section will be close.

We ordered a seafood platter ( I got allergic to raw fishes) and other sides including like ribs.

Ordered their home brewed beer.
Before 8pm, the beer will be cheaper about $3-4.

We spend $556 for 6 pax.
Didn't order one main per pax, we were mainly sharing sides.

Food was nice, Beer was also nice.
But price is abit steep.
So maybe drop by on your special anniversary or special occasion with your other half.
A place to go at least once for the memory!

Photos of the scenery


33.1 Blond Lager

Pig&Snail (Starters)  and Fish&Chips (Beer dining)
 Seafood Platter (Sharing)
 Chips (Beer dining)
 Beef (Starter)

 Actually we ordered chicken, ribs and pasta afterwards.
But too busy getting drunk, high and all.
Didn't take any photo of the rest.

Anyway , really worth trying once !

Friday, May 9, 2014

Did you know you can sprain your butt??
I didn't know till I just sprain my butt.. And went to search if it is possible...

Having two salon pas sticked on now.... 
What the hell. 
I feel so retarded.

But at least we learn today that, we can sprain our butt cause there is ligaments in your butt... 

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Level 33!

Am going to Level 33 with my colleagues on 12 May.
Damn exciteddddddddd.

I think that is the only thing I have to look forward to..
Cause exam starting from 17...

But anyway I got my Level 33 to look forward..

Will update on 13 May :D

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Wagyu Buffet at Arashi Yakiniku

Arashi Yakiniku is having a groupon offer nowwwww!
So better buy it before it is sold out

Rocku Yakiniku really is not real Jap Yakiniku.
If you want to eat one that is worth your price, and nice.
Arashi Yakiniku is the place!!

Went to eat Wagyu buffet w the boy at Arashi Yakiniku (Like about 2 months ago or more)
He bought the Groupon for the buffet.
The groupon buffet for 1 pax cost about 55$
Usually without groupon it is SGD78 per pax.

But quite worth it I guess.
Pity they ran out of Karubi.
But nvm, we ordered the rest of the parts.

Kind manager told us that pork should be put on the side.....
At Rocku Yakiniku, they didn't give such tips...
Mushroom taste nicer here compared to Rocku Yakiniku....
I ordered like 5 times for the mushroom...

Don't say I never share good deals.
Now cheap, so better grab it before you got craving for this and then you regret :D

Go read up on hungry go where on the review. The beef is really really nice. Maybe you should avoid weekends where there is crowd. 


Just realize all this while I was just scared of being alone.

Ok. Actually everybody is scared of being lonely. 

But I tried means and means to feel I am not alone. 
I tried watching dramas. 
Beginning drama can contain my attention, but now it doesn't contain as much as the past. 

Then I tried social media.
But those guys there were really irritating and I tend to compare them to my almost perfect boyf... ( I am sorry)
So none could contain my attention. 

Till I just felt so lonely everyday, that I started to text my Boyf and become a super paranoid girlf... 
Texting him like tons of messages even though he is not replying.. 

Someone teach me... How am I suppose to stop this overwhelming feeling.. 

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Turn offs

With the increase use of different social media (Facebook, Wechat, etc).
It allows people to hit on and talk to people that they didn't met before.

However, as a girl..
Some people just turn me off

** It's just how I feel.. not all girls. Maybe I am super particular.  Well, but this is my blog ..

1) Calling us by our name

Starting conversations with :  "Hi Yahui".
Sorry, I don't remember  being so close with you that you can call me by my name.
It just gives me the goosebumps when people call me by my name...

It's just me, maybe...

2) Calling us Boss

" Hey boss, What you doing boss"
Tsk. It is already annoying once I see it.
Regardless of whoever is telling me this (even if it is my friends)

3) Knowing that I am a Half Jap and trying to talk in weird Japanese language

Errr... Mind you, it is pretty insulting. You insult the beautiful culture of the country by misusing all the words.  And just because I am a half jap, it doesn't mean I should make you Sushi.

4) Calling us beautiful, cutie or pretty or whatever cheesy words you can think off

Already somewhat gives us a clue what sort of guy you are. & if we are ever going to date you, we don't know whether everything you are telling us is only meant for us or you are telling that to everyone...

5) Sending lovey dovey messages that seem to have been copied from somewhere 
I don't know if this happens to anyone my age now... Cause I remember during my poly days, there was this guy trying to woo me.
In like 5 minutes, he send about 2 super sweet messages.
But once I read it, I knew it was copied from somewhere...
Major turn off... I didn't even feel anything for him. I just felt that he was pretty disgusting.

6) Asking " How are you"

I know, this doesn't seem serious.
But seriously, what do you expect me to reply.
This conversation will go no where.
You ask me , I reply, I ask you how are you and you reply the same " I am fine"....
TADAH, Conversation ends...

7) The never ending spammer
This one power. I know of quite of lot of such people.
Asking me to go out, I just ignore cause I have a freaking boyf and I don't have any interest in you.
Furthermore you are very irritating...
But still don't get the hint after I don't reply. Just keep asking and asking and asking.
I think this one guy I knew he was quite persistent.
For 1 year, he send such messages time and time again.
I don't get how thickskin he can get lo... 

That's about all that I can think of now.
Stop doing such things & maybe you can find a girlfriend

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Alone time 26 April..

Went to the museum today alone (cause I couldn't find a buddy , OK la actually no. It's just that I prefer going alone)
They have like four exhibition going on . & one of it ended on the 29th!
So i dragged my lazy self to wake up at 8am and headed to the museum.. 
Reached the museum at about 10.30am..

So the first exhibition I went to was the botanical garden exhibition.. ( It's just on the right side when you enter the museum)
Did you know that during 1880s, botanical garden produced hundreds of thousands trees to be planted along our roadside  and in our parks?! 
Yea, some of those trees are made in Singapore's own botanical garden! 

The exhibition ends on 11 May!
So if you are free, you should head on down to check out on the history of singapore's rubber plantation and botanical garden!

Well, maybe you won't find it as interesting as I thought.
But won't hurt to visit, cause it is FREEEEEEEE.

The next exhibition I went to was the "People's collection - A special exhibition" . 
It was just along the walkway leading to food for thought. 
But I spend a good 20minutes around that corner.
It showed the items of past Singapore from 1950s to the 1980s. 
This was the exhibition that was ending on the 29th.
So I had to rush down to catch it.

Pretty interesting stuffs you can see. 
Like marketing that tiger balm did last time .
Did you know the owner bought a car, attached a tiger's head on the front of the car, 
painted the car in stripes and whenever he horns instead of the usual horn sound we hear, it gives off a roar everytime he pressed the horn. 

Damn cool right. 
Didn't regret a single bit for rushing down before the exhibition ended! 
Anyway the next exhibition I went to was "Genesis"

It is a photo exhibition showcasing black and white images by world renowned photographer, Sebastião Salgado,
Some of it are on the landscape of mountainous area.
However the one that really interested me was the picture he took for tribes.
Those pictures were really captivating! 

This exhibition is going on till 27July so there is still plenty of time to catch it! 
I took about 10-15mins on this exhibition.
I am not so into photography... So only the tribal portion interested me :x

The last exhibition I wanted to take a look at was  "We: Defining Stories"
I thought it started on the 26th.
Apparantely for that day, it was only for special guided tour for Straits time reader.

So I guess I have to go back another day for the guided tour, probably after my exams.
Free guided tour on every Saturday and Sunday (2.30pm).
Anyway exhibition is till 31Aug , I will probably head down around the end of May.

Yes, by myself again.... Unless I can find a friend that is willing to stare at a picture for about 5minutes quietly.

If anyone is willing to head down with me,please tell me!
I will consider. HAHAHA