Thursday, July 3, 2014

Thank you (Updated)

My acer computer that have been left to collect dust for about 2 years can now finally be use with a bluetooth keyboard.

Was looking through the documents and pictures in it with L, and chance upon one of my ex boyf's photo.
He instantly became like cold and distance.
With that I knew that he was thinking of my past once again, and that he still haven fully accepted it.
Suddenly told me that he needed to leave when it was only 9.30pm.
Was really thinking the worse at this point already.

& then he just stop replying me for like 20minutes...
after which started talking to me and questioning me (Not the first time)....

Got quite hurt from the way he repeatedly ask the same question.
So told him that he can choose the easy way out to leave me or accept my past.
The reply he gave me already warmed my heart so much.

" I'm sorry, that isnt an easy way.
  After all these, u expect me to just walk away with ease, and act like no real feeling was involved? "

After which, we ended the topic and he told me he had to sleep at 11.30pm...

Woke up in the morning at 6...
Message him, and he replied about 9 minutes later.
I was back in my deep sleep, and only woke up at 6.30 again.
Amazingly when I replied, he was still awake.
Usually he will doze off back to sleep in like less than 5 minutes.
From that point , it was already different from usual.
And he starting dropping hints from 6.45 like telling me if i leave for work right now, I will see him.
Finally left the house at 6.54 ...
Earlier then usual for like 6 minutes...
Cause I must say I was secretly hoping that he was really outside my house...
& to my surprise he was really  at my door :)

Told me he miss his first bus from hougang, so he had to take a cab here...
To deliver me my breakfast/ lunch...
So I found out that he apparently left early yesterday to go over to cold storage to buy ingredients to prepare for my salad.
Can't stop thinking how sweet he is.

Thank you for being so sweet and telling me that I am worth all the effort of yours.

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