Tuesday, July 22, 2014

& never stop feeling grateful

1.    Thank you for apologizing even for times that you did nothing wrong. Those times when you speak the truth and yet apologize to me because it hurt me, or apologizing for not appearing in my life earlier to stop me from my stupid acts in the past. 
2.    Thank you for your warm hugs, forehead kisses, and for adoring me so much that it just warms my heart every time .
3.    Thank you for knowing when to set me straight, and for telling me to follow my heart. Even if it might mean losing me to someone else…
4.    Thank you for listening to me and my occasional rants. Listening to me spamming you with my office politics.
5.    Thank you for making me laugh when I need it the most.  When I was nervous for my blood test, when nothing went right at work, when I was disappointed with my results…
6.    Thank you for loving me the way I am. Although sometimes you say insensitive stuffs *angry*
7.    Thank you for all the little things that you do… Messaging me in the morning at 6.30, sending me home to my doorsteps, peeling prawns, taking out bones from the wings and making sure I have enough sleep.
8.    Thank you for making me feel safe, secure and loved.
9.    Thank you for taking time to learn about and experience the things that I enjoy. Going to museum just because I want to, learning Japanese *although not fully because of me*
10.      Thank you for earning my trust and never misusing it.
11.      Thank you for your patience on my moody days.
12.    Thank you for knowing that I am upset or that something cropped up before I even have to say anything.
13.       Thank you for the times you had to venture into the foreign world to hunt down a gift for me.
14.          Thank you for the wonderful time we spend with our families.
15.          Thank you for being my number one confidant.
16.          Thank you for trusting me.
17.          Thank you for accepting me for who I am and loving me regardless of my past.
18.          Thank you for treating me respectfully at all times.
19.          Thank you for making me laugh with your constant lameness & stupid actions (: 
20.          Thank you for being vulnerable and open to me. For telling me about your past and for not hiding away from any question I asked.
21.          Thank you for that look in your eyes that reminds me that I am yours.
22.          Thank you for being the kind of man who does all of the things without a second thought. <3
23.          Thank you for those occasional “I love you” & “I miss you”... Although I might call you crazy, but I feel happy every time you say it.
24.          Thank you for making me know how it’s like to feel love and to love again. I really can’t thank you enough for that.
25.          Thank you for the moments you make it clear that you really want me. Whether it's a big grin just by looking at me , or those occasional “ I can’t get enough of you”
26.          Thank you for knowing that even if I don't always say it, I really love you and am grateful that you entered my life.

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