Monday, July 7, 2014

Happy Birthday

So yesterday was L's birthday.
I was thinking of surprising him @ 12am at his doorsteps.
But felt really tired (Yes, I am very lazy to get my butt over to his house)

So I went over in the morning with the last minute Oreo cheesecake that I have made at 10pm the previous day.
My first try in making it, but it turn out not bad I guess...

L's mom say it was not bad too (: 

So after eating our lunch at his house, we went out to find Khaycheng & her boyfriend.
There was this cupcake store she wanted to go try out.

So we went to Joochiat! To our disappointment the store was so small, and there was no place for us to sit down and chill.
But since we went so far for the store, we couldn't leave empty handed...
Bought 4 cupcakes as they were having a promotion , 4 for SGD12.  
(2 red velvets, passion fruit and thai milk tea) 

Tasted normal for all of us...
One cupcake cost about SGD3.80 usually....
Only special price for 100 cupcake, which will be like SGD3.60...
Abit too out of budget for me....

So we ate in the car.....
Yeah, cause there was no place for us to sit down!!

After having our cupcakes, we headed over to Wimbly Lu..
Because it will be so retarded for us to go home just like that!
So we went over, but the queue was so ridiculously long that we decided to skip it and just headed to Rokeby..

Chilled out alittle there. Nice place to be....
Didn't felt pressurized to leave even when we were there sitting for about 2hours plus.
After chilling out and talking about nonsense , we left for our other plans.

Headed back to L's house cause L's mom was gonna make mian xian for his birthday!
Damn full after eating but it was  nice... 
(L's mom always like to ask me if her cooking is nice... I will reply that it is nice, then she will say: 你当然要讲好吃啦。。。 )
& I learn how to cook it already! (By looking at how his mom cook)
Pretty easy I must say (:

Watched the notebook finally.
Wanted to watch it for like the past 2 weeks, but didn't have the time.
Pretty touching story I must say, and my favourite quotes from the movie were:

“So it's not gonna be easy. It's going to be really hard; we're gonna have to work at this everyday, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, everyday. You and me... everyday.” 

“I love you. I am who I am because of you. You are every reason, every hope, and every dream I've ever had, and no matter what happens to us in the future, everyday we are together is the greatest day of my life. I will always be yours. ”  

Headed home after the movie, and L had to go over to Jurong Shipyard for his signing of contract this morning...
Was messaging him when suddenly he told me he was gonna spoil a surprise for me.
He was bringing lunch to my office!

Didn't even told him my office location and he manage to find his way here.
& pass me my subway lunch (:
After passing me my lunch, he headed over to Unisim to collect my textbook...


Tell me it is the honeymoon period, but I am happy right now.
And I will never want to stop reminding myself that I have a wonderful guy right beside me.
That is why I am writing this down, for myself to remember and to not take him for granted.

Thank you for everything (: 

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