Monday, July 28, 2014


Spent my whole Saturday and Sunday with L.

On saturday, met up with him after his work, went over to Ion to meet up with Tracy, Regina & Zwei.
My mom was like calling me crazy for bringing my boyf over to meet my ex.
But well... Friends mah.
We celebrated their birthday by having lunch at Itacho...
So after eating our lunch, me & L went over to watch Hercules at Cinileisure.

I am so sorry, but I feel this version of Hercules sucks even more than the previous.
The previous was also not very good leh... So you should know how sucky it was ...

After watching of movie, we went over to Upper Thomson to meet up with his secondary school friends for dinner & dessert.

Oh ya, & he was being the very nice guy again.
We were like walking to the Mrt, and he saw a blind guy.
 I am always very oblivious to my surroundings, I am sorry... So I was walking infront
& when I turn around, he was holding on to a blind guy..
So we brought him to board the Mrt... Cause he was heading to Admiralty (Same direction as us).. 
When we board the Mrt, L still assist him to hold on to the hand grip.

It's like... Hellooooooo.. How nice can you get ..

Anyway , L always have this habit of asking me : " So what do you think of my friends?" after a meet up.
Like what can I say? It is his friends....
I like it or dont like I gotta suck it up mah. 
but still.. I like them... 
& I like the way that L doesn't change the way he is when he is around me or his friends.
He is still the him that I know. 
(Some guys change the way they are when they are around their friends, & I hate that. Like they become very exaggerating on their actions & all) 

Went over to find L in the morning... Waited till his mom is back.
Cause L wants to see his mom's face before he goes back to his rented room at Jurong West.
Had a quick lunch and we were on our way back to Woodlands. 

Started preparing chicken wings and sushi for the gathering at night. 
So we went over to pick my mom after we were done with our cooking.
Reached my grandma's place at about 6pm.
Went to the pool to see my cousins play around in the pool.
& then he went to teach my sister badminton.

When we went back up, almost all my relatives were there.
So he got a shock when he saw the amount of shoes.
Haha! Cause it is like really alot :x

After dinner, we had a cake cutting to celebrate Zee Zee's birthday (:
& all headed home around 10.
My uncle helped to send L to Jurong West cause they stay pretty near each other.
Initially L was hesitant on the point, cause he doesn't like to trouble people.
But my family also got this bad habit of being very insistent on doing something when they already set their mind. So yea...


Thursday, July 24, 2014

Cafe hopping w the girls!

Super Super belated post on my cafe hopping experience with my girls on last last sunday (13 July)

Am glad to have met them that day.
Non-stop talking about stuffs that have no relation.
But mostly the topic was about boyzzzz.

Can't believe how childish we were last time.
& due to our childishness we didn't talk to each other for like 1-2 years..
But it is never too late cause we still got like a long way to live on?

Anyway we went to Everton Park for the cafe.

First place we went to was " The provision shop".
I feel that the egg benedict I had was so-so....
& the coffee wasn't that nice...
Christina said that Kenneth's cafe sold better coffee... 
So maybe we will drop by soon someday!

Anyway photos shall do the talking..


So after having our brunch, we walked around the estate.
There were like a few cafes nearby...
But none that caught our attention.

So we walked over to stranger's reunion.
Was intending to get the waffles.
Stranger's reunion was full, so we went into waffles slayer...

After looking at the menu, we felt that maybe we were too full for waffle.
So we ordered truffle fries. (Cause Christina say it is nice)
 & yes, the truffle fries was like nice lor (Y)

Thanks for all the bitching and all (:
Glad to have known you all.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

& never stop feeling grateful

1.    Thank you for apologizing even for times that you did nothing wrong. Those times when you speak the truth and yet apologize to me because it hurt me, or apologizing for not appearing in my life earlier to stop me from my stupid acts in the past. 
2.    Thank you for your warm hugs, forehead kisses, and for adoring me so much that it just warms my heart every time .
3.    Thank you for knowing when to set me straight, and for telling me to follow my heart. Even if it might mean losing me to someone else…
4.    Thank you for listening to me and my occasional rants. Listening to me spamming you with my office politics.
5.    Thank you for making me laugh when I need it the most.  When I was nervous for my blood test, when nothing went right at work, when I was disappointed with my results…
6.    Thank you for loving me the way I am. Although sometimes you say insensitive stuffs *angry*
7.    Thank you for all the little things that you do… Messaging me in the morning at 6.30, sending me home to my doorsteps, peeling prawns, taking out bones from the wings and making sure I have enough sleep.
8.    Thank you for making me feel safe, secure and loved.
9.    Thank you for taking time to learn about and experience the things that I enjoy. Going to museum just because I want to, learning Japanese *although not fully because of me*
10.      Thank you for earning my trust and never misusing it.
11.      Thank you for your patience on my moody days.
12.    Thank you for knowing that I am upset or that something cropped up before I even have to say anything.
13.       Thank you for the times you had to venture into the foreign world to hunt down a gift for me.
14.          Thank you for the wonderful time we spend with our families.
15.          Thank you for being my number one confidant.
16.          Thank you for trusting me.
17.          Thank you for accepting me for who I am and loving me regardless of my past.
18.          Thank you for treating me respectfully at all times.
19.          Thank you for making me laugh with your constant lameness & stupid actions (: 
20.          Thank you for being vulnerable and open to me. For telling me about your past and for not hiding away from any question I asked.
21.          Thank you for that look in your eyes that reminds me that I am yours.
22.          Thank you for being the kind of man who does all of the things without a second thought. <3
23.          Thank you for those occasional “I love you” & “I miss you”... Although I might call you crazy, but I feel happy every time you say it.
24.          Thank you for making me know how it’s like to feel love and to love again. I really can’t thank you enough for that.
25.          Thank you for the moments you make it clear that you really want me. Whether it's a big grin just by looking at me , or those occasional “ I can’t get enough of you”
26.          Thank you for knowing that even if I don't always say it, I really love you and am grateful that you entered my life.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Stronger !

Have just started exercising daily.
Following the "Stronger" plan.
Today will be my 5th day doing this exercise.

Within 3 days I could see my arm muscles building up.

Workout only last for 30minutes, but you will sweat like puddles of water.
The best will be turning off the fan. This way you will be able to sweat more while doing the same exercise.

Although I get sore every morning from the exercise.
It is super shiok ! (Y)
The feeling that whatever exercise you did yesterday is effective and that your muscles are building up.

People who know me for years will never believe that I started out this journey of exercise everyday.
& Yes, me myself don't believe I am doing this.

Everyday I will drag myself to exercise, cause I will feel like lazing myself for the day.
But lazing one day will lead on to another and another...
So yea, eventually I will exercise and feel better afterwards (:

Will post my results of my thigh and hand after I complete the 1 week of exercise. 

Thursday, July 10, 2014

You deserve better girl

Found interest in reading again after breaking up from a 3 year relationship.
Came across this article on elite daily, and I felt that it is a reminder that I really want to remind all girls and also my bestfriend

Those times that he slaps you...
If he really loves you, he wouldn't even bear to use force on you even if it is joking or what so ever reason.
Those times that he criticizes you infront of his friends. (Even if he is just joking)
If he really loves you, all that he will say will be singing praises of you infront of his friends; instead of calling you a stuck up bitch with attitude infront of his friend. After which stating he was just joking...
Those times that you were crying alone and he didn't do any shit.

You deserve more than that, and I hope the article below helps you (:

Wake Up, Sister!: A Reality Check For The Girl Who Can’t End Things With The Assh*le

Every girl has that one guy she knows isn’t good for her, but for some reason, can’t seem to get away from him. 
If you’re that girl, I wrote this to open your eyes.
It’s brutally honest, but more importantly, it might actually make you come to your senses. 
At first it will probably upset you, but in the long run, I promise it will help you.
The first thing you need to realize is a guy’s not going to change just because you want him to. 
He’s only going to get better at deceiving you. 
I know you’re sticking around because you’re hoping for a change, but the reality is, you shouldn’t have to change him.

You need to stop giving in to him, and you need to stop going back to the boy who keeps leaving you in the first place. 
He’s clearly not scared of losing you, and that means something.
I know that he finds a way to win you back, and he says just the right thing at just the right time, but he only says the right things because he’s practiced those words so many times to other girls. 
You can never trust a guy who’s that charming.

I also know you think he loves you because every time you two end things, he always comes back.
He doesn’t love you because he keeps coming back to you; he loves that he has that control over you. 
He also loves that you’ll take him back, no matter what.

When people say love is blind, it’s definitely true. 
You are only seeing what you want to see, focusing on the good things. 
You may think he treats you okay, maybe that you’ll never do better and that you’re not just another girl to him.
You think deep down, you really mean something to him, but sometimes the way you perceive someone isn’t how he really is.

I know you love him, and you think part of you always will. 
But the truth is, you love the false idea you have of him and the idea of him changing into who you want him to be.

Let’s think about it: Why do you love the idea of someone or something? There are more than seven billion people in this world, and you’re hung up on one? Why are you in love with an idea in your head, when you can find someone who is everything you envision within that idea?

There are hundreds of boys just like him, hundreds of boys nothing like him and thousands of boys who are so much better than him. 
Believe me, in time, you will find someone better than him.
Try as you might, you just can’t deny the ongoing debate in the back of your mind, and you need to pay attention to why you’re having second thoughts. 
You know he sucks, but you also know you like him, so you choose to let your feelings win the battle.

As harsh as it might sound, you’re being weak and taking the easy way out. 
Easy decisions are usually the wrong ones. 
You need to stop letting the things you feel take priority over the things you know. 
You need to stop settling for him, the fights, the breakups and the disappointment.
If there’s one thing in the world you shouldn’t settle for, it’s who you choose to be with.

When you finally realize it’s time to get over him, he’ll probably have a lot to say, like “you’re a bitch,” “you’re crazy” or “you’re immature.” Fine. It’s better for you to be all of those things than what he is: a disappointment.


Monday, July 7, 2014

Happy Birthday

So yesterday was L's birthday.
I was thinking of surprising him @ 12am at his doorsteps.
But felt really tired (Yes, I am very lazy to get my butt over to his house)

So I went over in the morning with the last minute Oreo cheesecake that I have made at 10pm the previous day.
My first try in making it, but it turn out not bad I guess...

L's mom say it was not bad too (: 

So after eating our lunch at his house, we went out to find Khaycheng & her boyfriend.
There was this cupcake store she wanted to go try out.

So we went to Joochiat! To our disappointment the store was so small, and there was no place for us to sit down and chill.
But since we went so far for the store, we couldn't leave empty handed...
Bought 4 cupcakes as they were having a promotion , 4 for SGD12.  
(2 red velvets, passion fruit and thai milk tea) 

Tasted normal for all of us...
One cupcake cost about SGD3.80 usually....
Only special price for 100 cupcake, which will be like SGD3.60...
Abit too out of budget for me....

So we ate in the car.....
Yeah, cause there was no place for us to sit down!!

After having our cupcakes, we headed over to Wimbly Lu..
Because it will be so retarded for us to go home just like that!
So we went over, but the queue was so ridiculously long that we decided to skip it and just headed to Rokeby..

Chilled out alittle there. Nice place to be....
Didn't felt pressurized to leave even when we were there sitting for about 2hours plus.
After chilling out and talking about nonsense , we left for our other plans.

Headed back to L's house cause L's mom was gonna make mian xian for his birthday!
Damn full after eating but it was  nice... 
(L's mom always like to ask me if her cooking is nice... I will reply that it is nice, then she will say: 你当然要讲好吃啦。。。 )
& I learn how to cook it already! (By looking at how his mom cook)
Pretty easy I must say (:

Watched the notebook finally.
Wanted to watch it for like the past 2 weeks, but didn't have the time.
Pretty touching story I must say, and my favourite quotes from the movie were:

“So it's not gonna be easy. It's going to be really hard; we're gonna have to work at this everyday, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, everyday. You and me... everyday.” 

“I love you. I am who I am because of you. You are every reason, every hope, and every dream I've ever had, and no matter what happens to us in the future, everyday we are together is the greatest day of my life. I will always be yours. ”  

Headed home after the movie, and L had to go over to Jurong Shipyard for his signing of contract this morning...
Was messaging him when suddenly he told me he was gonna spoil a surprise for me.
He was bringing lunch to my office!

Didn't even told him my office location and he manage to find his way here.
& pass me my subway lunch (:
After passing me my lunch, he headed over to Unisim to collect my textbook...


Tell me it is the honeymoon period, but I am happy right now.
And I will never want to stop reminding myself that I have a wonderful guy right beside me.
That is why I am writing this down, for myself to remember and to not take him for granted.

Thank you for everything (: 

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Thank you (Updated)

My acer computer that have been left to collect dust for about 2 years can now finally be use with a bluetooth keyboard.

Was looking through the documents and pictures in it with L, and chance upon one of my ex boyf's photo.
He instantly became like cold and distance.
With that I knew that he was thinking of my past once again, and that he still haven fully accepted it.
Suddenly told me that he needed to leave when it was only 9.30pm.
Was really thinking the worse at this point already.

& then he just stop replying me for like 20minutes...
after which started talking to me and questioning me (Not the first time)....

Got quite hurt from the way he repeatedly ask the same question.
So told him that he can choose the easy way out to leave me or accept my past.
The reply he gave me already warmed my heart so much.

" I'm sorry, that isnt an easy way.
  After all these, u expect me to just walk away with ease, and act like no real feeling was involved? "

After which, we ended the topic and he told me he had to sleep at 11.30pm...

Woke up in the morning at 6...
Message him, and he replied about 9 minutes later.
I was back in my deep sleep, and only woke up at 6.30 again.
Amazingly when I replied, he was still awake.
Usually he will doze off back to sleep in like less than 5 minutes.
From that point , it was already different from usual.
And he starting dropping hints from 6.45 like telling me if i leave for work right now, I will see him.
Finally left the house at 6.54 ...
Earlier then usual for like 6 minutes...
Cause I must say I was secretly hoping that he was really outside my house...
& to my surprise he was really  at my door :)

Told me he miss his first bus from hougang, so he had to take a cab here...
To deliver me my breakfast/ lunch...
So I found out that he apparently left early yesterday to go over to cold storage to buy ingredients to prepare for my salad.
Can't stop thinking how sweet he is.

Thank you for being so sweet and telling me that I am worth all the effort of yours.