Wednesday, April 16, 2014

You can step over me, you can scold me, you can pull me down with insulting words infront of your friends.
I can give in even though how much you pull me and my pride down.
I can give up my everything just for you.

Every time we quarrel, you never once gave in.
It was always me giving in, always me sending the first message, always me initiating the first move.

However, this time you went too far.
I feel like I have been taken for granted.
& I always make the first move as you anticipated.

This time, I won't give in.
If I give in once again, nothing will change.
Things will just get worse.

With me not giving in, and you still refusing to admit you are in the wrong.
I guess there's nothing more to cling on for our relationship.
If I am even an important part of your life, maybe you should start giving in.

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