Tuesday, April 8, 2014

When life push you down, you push yourself back up!

Been stress lately due to projects and work.
One semester is just gonna end in about a month's time. Can't believe how time flies. & how I am getting older and older... 
After about one semester of studying in university , I realized there are really different type of people. And below are just a few that I have met:  

1) The one that always think she is right and that your work is not satisfying . 
Yeah one of the mate that I got. She just basically change all of mine and my other group mate 's work into hers. And after which throw insulting comments like we never did our work properly , and obviously the answer was copied from somewhere and act as if everything was done by her cause we are useless.
If you are so pro, we will have gotten an A instead of C.. Just saying ~

2) The kanchiong spider that don't really make me feel annoyed.
Really chiong like hell. Select her question for the group assignment and finishes it. Really salute ! Cause I already very kanchiong  ( my boyf knows this part very well , cause it annoys him sometime) and she even more kanchiong then me.

3) The kanchiong spider that really make me feel annoyed.
Keep rushing and rushing and rushing me for my part when I have already told her I will clarify with the teacher the next lesson. And ok, she offered to help me with the question, after which it didn't turn up of much help ( might as well you don't do) ... Already told her it is a hard question, she refuse to admit it. Hello, you think I never try? I search the internet , I ask around my friends ( check my fb msges if you don't believe) ... And when I told her let's wait till next lesson to clarify with the tutor,  she replied that she just wanna finish it faster. Hello eh, you want finish faster and answer is wrong so what. You need to redo, isn't it just double work and wasting of time. Think of productivity please. 

4) The one that never turns up for class after the first lesson.
In Unisim it is damn common. They just come to the first class to get their groups, and that will be the last time you see your groupmate. 

5) The group mates that you can totally joke with and be yourself. I am glad I manage to make two such friends. & we just click like old friends. The best part, they do their work properly. And when I have such awesome group mates, there will be one person that is err... not so awesome..

6) The one that does the work, but doesn't keep the dateline. Told her deadline is Monday , yet hands her stuff in on Wednesday. 

Well. That's about all. 
Hope for July semester I will meet more awesome friends then not so awesome friends 👍

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