Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Being the typical kiasu me..
I have already started thinking for my 21st celebration after attending my friend's.
All of them held their celebration at a hotel.

So in the beginning I was thinking of having a hotel celebration.
After which, I counted on the expenses and gauge that I will need to spend at least $600 on the food plus the hotel.

And then, I started thinking , maybe a chalet?
So I started searching for nicer chalet (Not those at pasir rise, those are so filthy and .....)

Eventually I ended up with three choices...

1) HomeTeam NS@Bukit Batok
I searched online for the photos, and all of it I could find was before the renovation.
But from the website it look nice like the NSRCC chalet.

Anyway, my birthday is in October.
So  the price for deluxe was $270, and superior $240 at that time on a weekend.
Almost the same price as a hotel, advantage will be that it is bigger.
However to book this chalet, the person booking must be a Home Team NS member.


2) NSRCC Chalet @ Changi
Went to this chalet around 2years ago, I was so fascinated by how clean the chalet was.
& the rooms were so nice...
Anyway the cost is abit high if you are booking as a public/Safra member/NS men..
The cheapest will be being a resort member.
& even being one, the fees for weekends will be $215 for peak, $258 for super peak & $278 for super holiday.

Abit costly I knoww...  But the place is really awesome.....
For more pictures you can visit the link below


3)SAF Changi Seaview Resort

I have seen many pictures of this resort, and also many good reviews.
Understand that it can only be book by SAF Personnel.
But the problem is...
I can't seem to find the link for the price range.
Can't find anything about the booking.
The only nearest that I manage to find is blogpost, blogpost after blogpost.
Oh gosh. If someone can help me, please kindly help.

After reviewing all, I basically came to the conclusion that a 21st birthday part cost at least $600 if you are holding it at a chalet or a hotel room.
Anyway my gauge is on about 20-30pax..

Can't spare $600 for a birthday celebration cause I have school fees to save up for.
Well, shall think of maybe a home party.
Will update on home party ideas once I research on the cost of it!


1 comment:

  1. Hi. I wanted to book this chalet at hometeamns. But need NS member. But I don't have member. And my friend don't have. Can help to book for me ?
