Saturday, April 26, 2014

Rocku Yakiniku

Went to Roku Yakinuki at Bugis plus today!
Read about all those reviews online stating how great it was.

But my honest opinion, it sucks.

The beef was super hard... It was like eating rubber..
One thing nice was the pork belly.

Apart from that the cost was really not worth it.
29.90 + (3$ for weekend) + (15$ for the lime juice) came up to about 90++.
They only serves drink in jugs. So it wasn't really cheap for two pax.

Comparing to the wagyu BBQ that I went to w my other half at Robertson Quaye.
The price difference is about 10$

So if the price doesn't get any cheaper, I doubt I will be going back anymore.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Being the typical kiasu me..
I have already started thinking for my 21st celebration after attending my friend's.
All of them held their celebration at a hotel.

So in the beginning I was thinking of having a hotel celebration.
After which, I counted on the expenses and gauge that I will need to spend at least $600 on the food plus the hotel.

And then, I started thinking , maybe a chalet?
So I started searching for nicer chalet (Not those at pasir rise, those are so filthy and .....)

Eventually I ended up with three choices...

1) HomeTeam NS@Bukit Batok
I searched online for the photos, and all of it I could find was before the renovation.
But from the website it look nice like the NSRCC chalet.

Anyway, my birthday is in October.
So  the price for deluxe was $270, and superior $240 at that time on a weekend.
Almost the same price as a hotel, advantage will be that it is bigger.
However to book this chalet, the person booking must be a Home Team NS member.


2) NSRCC Chalet @ Changi
Went to this chalet around 2years ago, I was so fascinated by how clean the chalet was.
& the rooms were so nice...
Anyway the cost is abit high if you are booking as a public/Safra member/NS men..
The cheapest will be being a resort member.
& even being one, the fees for weekends will be $215 for peak, $258 for super peak & $278 for super holiday.

Abit costly I knoww...  But the place is really awesome.....
For more pictures you can visit the link below


3)SAF Changi Seaview Resort

I have seen many pictures of this resort, and also many good reviews.
Understand that it can only be book by SAF Personnel.
But the problem is...
I can't seem to find the link for the price range.
Can't find anything about the booking.
The only nearest that I manage to find is blogpost, blogpost after blogpost.
Oh gosh. If someone can help me, please kindly help.

After reviewing all, I basically came to the conclusion that a 21st birthday part cost at least $600 if you are holding it at a chalet or a hotel room.
Anyway my gauge is on about 20-30pax..

Can't spare $600 for a birthday celebration cause I have school fees to save up for.
Well, shall think of maybe a home party.
Will update on home party ideas once I research on the cost of it!


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Bestie's 21st birthday celebration

Had an early birthday celebration for my bestie cause 16 April was the date almost everyone could make it.
You know since there are like 4 PO in the clique, their work schedules always crashes. 
So for that particular date, everyone except Jem could make it. 
Eventually he took leave to join us! 
We headed to Kith cafe @ Quayside Isle for our dinner.
Not very expensive cause it's a cafe afterall. 
Didn't take pictures of the food cause I was hungry >:
and everyone else was. So we just gobbled down our meal. 
Well, the scenary was nice... but there were no fans at the outdoor seating area.
So it was quite hot and we were all complaining. 

After dinner, we proceed to Tanjong Beach Club ,but it was on a Wednesday. 
So guess what, we were the only people there.... 
The guys started their own projects of playing with the things they have, while I turned to my computer to complete an assignment that was due that night. 
Just a pretty laid back day spending with the clique.

Gonna end this blog post with pictures of my pretty bestie <3

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Birthday to the Queennnn

Met TAP at 6.30pm at Cityhall MRT on Saturday.
Went to buy paper and all at raffles city, didn't have any ideas in mind.
Eventually bought a paper with red heart background and 2 pieces of light pink paper to write our wishes and paste over the paper.

We seriously had no clue what the card will turn out like, cause we didn't have our creative Janis.

You can see from the picture of the card, we didn't have an idea what to do in the beginning.
cause yinsoon was the first to write, and after which I decided we should fold and open up the paper.
So eventually, yinsoon's part was paste in the centre..

Anyway that is teohan holding the card, cause I was so happy with the end results so I decided to Snap a few pictures.

We went up to the hotel room at like 8pm.. cause we took super long to make the card :X
Had KFC, Dintaifung, Sushi and Satay for dinner.
And after cake cutting, we proceeded to take picture.
A pity Janis wasn't here , but you'll know that she didn't miss out the fun...

 Group photo of those that were there on Satuday...

 The night view from 55th floor of Swissotel

 A photo of me with the night scenary. I swear all the others their photo is so nice cause I took it for them. For mine, YY took and she is so tall, plus she stood on a freaking chair to take the picture..  So yea, I look even more shorter...

So for the part that I mentioned about Janis not missing out on the fun..

Group photo with Janis

Night scenary shot for Janis

 We ended the night with a drinking game, getting abit high....
So ended up sleeping at around 340am..

Woke up on Sunday at around 8am.
And Jacqqie insisted on buying us breakfast before leaving.
cause her mum had already pass her the money.

Well, so when almost everyone was awake..
There was still one stupid idiot who was sleeping.
So we started to disturb him :x

Anyway that's about all for my weekends...
Will update on bestfriend's birthday celebration if able to..
So will end off with a really stupid picture of me with the night scenary.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

You can step over me, you can scold me, you can pull me down with insulting words infront of your friends.
I can give in even though how much you pull me and my pride down.
I can give up my everything just for you.

Every time we quarrel, you never once gave in.
It was always me giving in, always me sending the first message, always me initiating the first move.

However, this time you went too far.
I feel like I have been taken for granted.
& I always make the first move as you anticipated.

This time, I won't give in.
If I give in once again, nothing will change.
Things will just get worse.

With me not giving in, and you still refusing to admit you are in the wrong.
I guess there's nothing more to cling on for our relationship.
If I am even an important part of your life, maybe you should start giving in.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

When life push you down, you push yourself back up!

Been stress lately due to projects and work.
One semester is just gonna end in about a month's time. Can't believe how time flies. & how I am getting older and older... 
After about one semester of studying in university , I realized there are really different type of people. And below are just a few that I have met:  

1) The one that always think she is right and that your work is not satisfying . 
Yeah one of the mate that I got. She just basically change all of mine and my other group mate 's work into hers. And after which throw insulting comments like we never did our work properly , and obviously the answer was copied from somewhere and act as if everything was done by her cause we are useless.
If you are so pro, we will have gotten an A instead of C.. Just saying ~

2) The kanchiong spider that don't really make me feel annoyed.
Really chiong like hell. Select her question for the group assignment and finishes it. Really salute ! Cause I already very kanchiong  ( my boyf knows this part very well , cause it annoys him sometime) and she even more kanchiong then me.

3) The kanchiong spider that really make me feel annoyed.
Keep rushing and rushing and rushing me for my part when I have already told her I will clarify with the teacher the next lesson. And ok, she offered to help me with the question, after which it didn't turn up of much help ( might as well you don't do) ... Already told her it is a hard question, she refuse to admit it. Hello, you think I never try? I search the internet , I ask around my friends ( check my fb msges if you don't believe) ... And when I told her let's wait till next lesson to clarify with the tutor,  she replied that she just wanna finish it faster. Hello eh, you want finish faster and answer is wrong so what. You need to redo, isn't it just double work and wasting of time. Think of productivity please. 

4) The one that never turns up for class after the first lesson.
In Unisim it is damn common. They just come to the first class to get their groups, and that will be the last time you see your groupmate. 

5) The group mates that you can totally joke with and be yourself. I am glad I manage to make two such friends. & we just click like old friends. The best part, they do their work properly. And when I have such awesome group mates, there will be one person that is err... not so awesome..

6) The one that does the work, but doesn't keep the dateline. Told her deadline is Monday , yet hands her stuff in on Wednesday. 

Well. That's about all. 
Hope for July semester I will meet more awesome friends then not so awesome friends ๐Ÿ‘

Friday, April 4, 2014

Just a little more <3, just a little more peace

Went out w my colleagues to eat our fish head steamboat at Nan Hwa ChungFish head  steamboat ! 
Raymond agreed on sending us there, and eventually he joined us for dinner too. 
Photos from our steamboat . The ngoh hiang Raymond took it and dip in on black sauce. I told him to put it back cause I wanted to take photo ๐Ÿ˜‚

Truthful opinion on the food: 
Fish head steamboat was not bad. But the amount of msg is really a lot. And I have allergic to msg ... So now my mouth is swell up like a hot dog..
Kangkong taste ok. Like all those you eat at Zhi car
Ngoh hiang was not bad. To my liking..
Salted egg pork ribs was not to my liking... Maybe cause all was bone. And I didn't manage to eat till any meat.
After the dinner, Raymond send us to Bugis!
So me and danhui washed and cut our hair at Vintage Studio Hair Salon๐Ÿ˜
Spend like 155$ at the salon.
40$ for the haircut and 110$ for the products. The products I bought are for the scalp care... Cause the hairdresser told me my hair was dropping because my scalp is not strong. And yes, I realized massive amount of hair dropping everyday! 

So I just hope that this products will make my hair better and yeah! If if does, I will post an update again! 

Anyway my hair dresser was quite handsome. And young ! He was 26... But so sorry I wasn't wearing specs so most of the time i was using my phone while he cut away.

I wanted to cut my hair into a v shape as usual. However he recommended u shape as my hair is already very thin now. So v shape will make it look even more thinner , whereas u shape will make it rounder and bouncier! 
So yeah I just left him to do the things to my hair.

After the haircut my hair looks like this.

Looks more volume and less balding compared to my previous. Although I like how my hair turned up, the hard selling was abit irritating. So if you hate it and have no intention on buying products, maybe you will feel that they are pushy. However as I knew I was having balding or rather massive hair loss problem, it was of great help when products to help me with my scalp care was introduced.

Nan Hwa Chong Fish-Head Steamboat

Vintage Studio

So chaos for now๐Ÿ‘‹