Monday, May 6, 2013

While you judge them,someone else is judging you

Saw a video circulating on fb about policemen scolding vulgarities at civilian.
Geez, more & more people sharing & saying things like Singapore Police corrupted etc.
I think it's wrong to generalize the whole of Singapore Police force just because of a few bad examples.

Everyone hate's it when people generalize right? I don't want to state examples just in case I offend anyone.
But you all jolly well know it on your own.

I am writing this post cause I have quite a number of friends in the police force.
All of them are really nice people & some of them have helped H when she was facing problems ( giving advice & body guard etc)

I once asked one of my friend why did he join the force?
His reply was Passion. 
We have police officers that are willing to give up high paying job to join the force cause their passion is to protect the people in the country. Don't you feel unfair generalizing them?

Police officers they are always working, 24/7 they are on standby.
They don't get paid OT for working more than 44 hours a week.
They burn their weekends away, working shift work & missing out chances on meeting their friends/ love ones. 
Try being in a relationship with one, you will know :
- Your weekends will be spend rotting cause he won't be there for half of the day or whole day.
- Being super wary of the surrounding, although it might be good, it can also be bad. 
- You won't be able to ask him what he does at work as whatever he does is confidential. 
- When he has lack of sleep, be prepared to face his moodiness. 
- Even if he is off duty, if he sees a crime he have to step up. 
- Their job is full of risk.

I hope people starts appreciating police officers , 
Singapore is safe because of police officers and I hope Singaporeans will start to recognize their sacrifices.

For all the Police officers out there :

Really salute your sacrifices & will like you to know that there are still people appreciating you for your hard work. Thank you for keeping Singapore safe


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