Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Losing Hope

Really hate it when people just give up on me & lose hope on me.
Don't you?
Cause here I am losing hope in you bit by bit everyday.
But to you apparently its nothing.
You are happier this way.
From the moment I stop nagging, I have been pulling myself away.
You don't notice.
And it doesn't seem to bother you at all.

We quarrelled, I stop crying in the car like I used to.
Cause you say : You always win because you cry, all you can do is cry.
Now I won't cry anymore.
Felt shitty yesterday, but I kept to myself.

Ask a question, hoping for a different answer.
But am stupid to cling onto the hope.
Cause as expected, the answer was yes. 

You tell me ,I am the reason you smoke & also the reason you want to quit.
But I don't see you quitting even during normal times for the whole year together.
You are always finding me as an excuse to smoke & I have never been an excuse for you to stop or to reject smoking.

I don't know if I am that important anymore.


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