Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Losing Hope

Really hate it when people just give up on me & lose hope on me.
Don't you?
Cause here I am losing hope in you bit by bit everyday.
But to you apparently its nothing.
You are happier this way.
From the moment I stop nagging, I have been pulling myself away.
You don't notice.
And it doesn't seem to bother you at all.

We quarrelled, I stop crying in the car like I used to.
Cause you say : You always win because you cry, all you can do is cry.
Now I won't cry anymore.
Felt shitty yesterday, but I kept to myself.

Ask a question, hoping for a different answer.
But am stupid to cling onto the hope.
Cause as expected, the answer was yes. 

You tell me ,I am the reason you smoke & also the reason you want to quit.
But I don't see you quitting even during normal times for the whole year together.
You are always finding me as an excuse to smoke & I have never been an excuse for you to stop or to reject smoking.

I don't know if I am that important anymore.


Sunday, May 19, 2013

Meet up w my lovely girls & K

Wanted to let my L♥  & H get to know Laneyyyy ( her nickname which doesnt differ much from her name)

So, i created a whatsapp group. (TYPICAL)
Initially it was suppose to be a picnic ( at night) but they disagreed. So we change to steamboat at H but her father had to use the kitchen that day so we change to laney house & we had pasta.

When we reach Laneyyy house, we left our bags and went out again. 
Walk here and there to buy the ingredients required for spaghetti.
Then finally after one hour of walking around, we returned back to laney house~
one hour to poke spaghetti into sausages & all lor.
then another half- 1 hour to cook and serve everything.

Not bad I guess, first time cooking a pasta, not as hard as I thought it will be. 
So after pasta, K drove us to udders @ upper thomson.
All of us treated Laney cause she cooked for us & all.
& before we left for udders she was like searching for her wallet .
Left her house w/o her wallet, 
after finishing udders when we were on our way home she found out her wallet was in the plastic bag w my maggie.
Lucky that she have itchy hands! otherwise I would have brought it home!

So ended my lovely day w the lovely girls I adore.
Really feel relax when with them

Now we have another group chat w abby in it.
HEHE, more girls outing coming along

Got to meet up w my other friends too.
Miss all of them (:

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Owe Money, Pay Money


So was on facebook today & happen to see one status of my friend.
Apparently he lend someone money,  & the person have yet to return him.
The person he lend the money had the cheek to go to a restaurant & post the photo on instagram.

 Seeing that status, really made me recall two people that I had lend some money  to.
200$ each. 
Ya, do the maths 200+200 = 400. With my current pay, I work 1 week and a half for that amount.
However I was in poly when this happen, so 400 / 6 = 67 Hours. 
So average one day 4hours , therefore  67 / 4 = 17 days. 
Almost half a month.& i don't work everyday.
I work hard for that freaking 400$ and I lend it to you all cause I trusted you all.
I thought you were my friends (Dumbest thing I ever could think of)

Guy No.1 : I really have the urge to state his name, but well , let's not. 

Ya, these are screenshots from our facebook messages. & just to tell you , he blocked me. 
that's why there is no photo of his face.
3 freaking years, I don't see him feeling guilty or what. 
& look at the way he talk to me.
I believe I should be respected & replied to in a nicer tone. 

Feb 4 I was damn angry.
Cause I saw him post photo of his tattoo.
***, got money put no money return .

My boy was damn angry w him during Sept last year I think.
Cause I was msg-ing him asking him to return me money.
& he replied damn rudely.
Then my boy used my phone to scold him.
After a heated argument , with my boy calling him a dog, & him calling my boyf a bitch. 
(WTH right. You owe me money, I dont think the way you talk is appropriate. )
my boy told him : " keep the 200 la." cause this type of people only drag & won't return you the money.
You know what reply he gave ?  
" Thank you santa claus " 
Don't you feel ashamed borrowing money from a girl. & gladly accepting it.
You know what you look like? A DOG. 

Girl No. 1 :
Girl ah Girl. I really liked you. I didn't know you will just take my 200 & never return.
Her pictures aren't available, cause I kindly erased it. 
I still believe you are a nice person. 
I still believe that you needed the money cause you had to help your boyf return his loan.
Therefore needed money to tide across the month. 
However, can you please kindly return it to me.
Cause it has been 2 years already. 
200$ the value did not depreciate. So I will gladly accept 200$ back if you return. 
I hope I could have kept you as a friend, but sorry.
You disappoint me.

Anyway the reasons given are all shit. I just wanted the money back fyi.
Yeah, I lied. But I thought lying could get me my money back
But I was wrong.
Didn't help me at all. & I thought she still have a heart.

To my friends out there:
If you ever lend someone money, regardless of whether it is a close friend or what.
I recommend you get the location they stay. Best is photocopy IC.
& most important , make them sign a IOU note.
As you can sue them & all if they dont return you.
Not trying to worsen your friendships, but it will really be useful.
If they are really your friends, they won't feel offended that you want a prove. ( cause they will return)

Template :
got this template from: http://www.docstoc.com/docs/73049353/Iou-Templates---PDF