Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Haven been blogging much...
Cause I need to finish my assignments.. Due date is like on the 9 & 10.
Lucky for me , I completed the one due on the 10...
Rushing for the 9th one...

Birthday celebration to be held on the 5th.
Too many things to plan and do.
Initially wanted to order my buffet....
Super grandma stepped in.
Insisting that buffet food sucks and asked if I needed her help to cook.
So my initial plan of ordering buffet was cancelled.
And my relatives are cooking for me (Y)
Am cooking 3 dishes myself too!

Guess it's better this way.
Saved up on hotel or chalet, as I am holding it in my uncle's terrace house.
Saved up on buffet, as my relatives are cooking for me.
Saved up for cake... initially wanted to order a $500 one...
Now downgrade to $180....
I don't have much expectations in the cake , TBH.
But ... just a cake mah.
Don't find the need for buying an expensive one.

Anyway Japan grandparents are coming over from 3-11Oct.
Which also explains why I have to rush my assignments all by this week.

Oct 4 am gonna decorate the place with dexter, charmaine, eunice and ysoon...
Oct 5 cook and then partyyyy.
Oct 6 out with family and Jap grandparents , magic show at night with the boy, family and jap grandparents...

Am kinda sad that Charmaine can't make it for my party..
Don't want Eunice to feel awkward so told her not to come too...
Jeremy and Bella is working on that day too , so sadly they cant make it too ):

Well, guess we can still meet up on other days....
So .....

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