Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Hey ball,

Thanks for making me fall back crazily in love.
Thanks for making me feel secure and reassuring me everytime I get paranoid.
Thanks for making the effort to come to Woodlands to meet me every time.
Thanks for sending me home everyday after going out even though how tiring it is or even though how late it is ... 

Have so many things to thank you for.
But really thank you for always showing appreciation for the minor stuffs that I do for you, even if I suggested it just to have some fun :x

I want to post a photo of you yesterday, but I guess nah~

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Date a man who loves you more

Do not date the other man because the other man will never give you the stability you know you need.
Stay away from the other man because with him, you are unreliable.
The other man will never be there for you with the same dependability you have come to expect.
He will challenge you and push you to question everything you think you know about yourself.
The other man will love you, he will love you in ways that make you abandon every certainty you have ever had, but he will not help you keep your balance.
Just when you think you have figured that man out, he will disorient you, you will be winded, you will not be able to breathe.

The other man will be infuriating.
He will be selfish, careless with his words and at times even cruel.
He will try to inflict as much pain on you as he himself is feeling.
He will not apologize and he will push you to your limits.
With this man, you can expect the dizzying agony of passion, the blurred oblivion of apathy, the delicious comfort of despair, the addictive misery of loneliness.
You will tell yourself that it is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all, but in that moment of utter hopelessness, you will not believe it with absolute conviction.

Find the man who loves you more and keep him because the worth of happiness cannot be measured in days and months and years,
and those fleeting few memories of pure,
unadulterated bliss will never measure up to the lifetime of contentment you will have with the man who loves you more.

Tell yourself this over and over,
let it become your mantra,
and condition yourself to believe it.

Forget the other man, or at least try to,
ignore the smells, the sounds and the things that remind you of him,
ignore the way he made you feel, because you are better off apart.

Together you make the world explode, but you cannot survive in it after.
Date the man who loves you more, choose him and never let him go,
because you are wise enough to know that stories of true love never have a happy ending,
and with this man at least you will die knowing someone loved you more

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Thanks for always making me feel so love (:
Weekends always pass so fast.

Till the next weekend that we see each other, I love you <3

Friday, August 15, 2014

Night out w TAP

Met TAP on Wednesday finally!
We were deciding between satouka or chabuton..
eventually ate chabuton but feel that it is over rated... Although definitely nicer than ajisen...

Anyway photos of me and my crazy bunch of friends!

Oh ya.. I cut my hair finally like about 1-2weeks ago (to me it is considered quite short)

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Sometimes I wonder, what right do you have to have happiness.
I don't get it.
You wreck my happiness, and I obviously don't think you deserve any.

But then I think again, and I feel grateful that you entered our relationship.
Cause with that, I manage to move on and find a better guy, while you are stuck with my old shoes.

I still can't forgive or wish you happiness.
Cause I believe what comes around goes around.
Good luck to that.

I know I shouldn't let people like you affect my feelings
But just felt dumb looking through my fb msg.
Cause I freaking apologize for lashing out at you.
& I never got any response.
Retarded me. Make me feel like I am the third party asking for apology sias.
what the hell.
Never even bother saying a sorry to me when you came wrecking my relationship.

Nice one lady.
I wish you all the best from the bottom of my heart.
Don't regret for your actions.
Cause one day, the same thing will happen to you.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

I really hate how people even judge me before they even get to know me...

You liking L and not being able to be together with him , doesn't give you the right to judge and accuse me of stuffs I didn't do...

I am not such a person that will smirk at you in the face... 
I know the hurt of one sided love...
I wanted to give you a smile before you walk out of the mrt...
But yet, what we got from you was a black face and being ignored ...

Maybe your aim is to let L find out I am an easily agitated and unreasonable girl... 
Don't get why you are doing that. 
But I was still hoping we could be friends...

Guess it's no more then... 
Can't let someone who accuse me of doing something I didn't, control my emotions...

Lastly , just to clarify ... 
I wasn't even facing you for the whole train ride... 
L was. I was facing the door... 
So yea. 
And I don't see a point of me needing to smirk at you.. 

Monday, August 4, 2014

The first time I felt hurt after dating him for 2 months...

The feeling sucks.
Cause it not only hurt me, it hurt him even more...

Saturday (:

Busy day on Saturday.
Went to school,as I had class from 8.30-11.30am. (got cancelled, so I had to join other classes...)

After school went over to Jurong point.
Was hesitating on whether I should go over to find L for his graduation....
So eventually I did...
But I wasted like 30minutes.
Walking around the mall, panicking if I should buy flowers, bear , tie or belt.
Eventually went with the safe choice..
Cause I know he likes cheesecake..

To my delight, there was Rive Gauche in JP!
So bought 3.. One for L and two for his friends (Xc & CH)

So this stupid boyfriend send me a photo of himself when I was in class.
His only asset : His body...

The rest is really...
Woodblock plus crazy plus retarded.. (:

& I realize I look damn bloody short when I stand next to him with his stupid cap still on...

With XC (: 
So after graduation, me, L & Xc went to catch : Guardians of the Galaxy.
Damn lame and apparantely they fell asleep during the movie at some parts or maybe they just kuazhang.

After dinner, went back to their rented room to put down their gowns and all.
& L headed to sixth avenue for his company gathering.
While I headed to Rangoon Road to meet my crazy Uni friends (though they transfer to Kaplan already)

After eating BKT, went over to Windowsill.
Stupid wheyhong...
Caused us to walk like freaking one big round.
But it was still nice meeting them and talking about girls... (I am like semi guy to them already)