Sunday, November 17, 2013

Happy girl is happy!

Well, the title says it all! 
I'm a happy girl ~
Met T,R and boyf at orchard on 15nov! 
Wanted to go eat at wild honey, but guess what , the minimum waiting time was 45 minutes. 
Then we decided to go over to shaw house for tonkichi ☺️

Ate my fav fattening fried chicken! 
& once we are finish with the dinner, they pass me a Michael kors bag! 

Attached is the picture of the bag!

Cost them 200 each!
So touched by them la. Already belated by one month, but still damn happy cause they rmb that I want a bag from Michael kors 😍

After that we went to watch escape plan,
Not bad ! Quite a nice movie! 
Then after the movie, there was this random guy that was standing behind me on the escalator..
He told me : "nice bag you have there!"
Although it was a little awkward, it still brighten my day! 

Thanks random chap!

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