Sunday, July 21, 2013


They are your freaking ex for a reason.
You don't go around f-king msging your ex when they have already moved on with another girl.

Tolerate your stupid attention seeking attention from the beginning of my rs with him.
You msg him even when you have a boyf .
You want relationship advice? GO CONSULT A PSYCHOLOGIST OR WHAT
pay a f-king fee , don't msg your ex.

What did you say when he broke up with you?
" Good, I no need to sleep at the living room anymore"
If you are not happy being with him when he is poor, what rights do you have to come back now and talk to him.

Already scolded you that time telling you not to msg him every special occasion to remind him of your prescence.
Now you did it again.

Hello, his birthday coming he excited or not excited, is any of your f-king business?
you want to be you be la, tell me, i will leave.
Let you have him to yourself all you want.
Cause I don't like to share.

& to you if you are reading,
I am disappointed.
Not once, not twice, not thrice
I don't know how many f-king times i repeat the same thing
telling you not to delete or not to reply your ex girlfriends messages.
Really losing trust.
Gain trust and not lose trust.

Maybe living in denial will be better.
I shouldn't care anymore, maybe leaving and being alone will be better.
You really disappoint me big time.

Why do I cry?
Cause the trust I have in you got shattered again.
The trust that I had.
The trust that you fought for.
I think it means nothing to you now.

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