Monday, April 29, 2013

Disaster Sunday

Have been rotting from the start of work. 
Finally pulled myself up to blog. 

Happened on a Sunday. 
Went to help out my mom at the school she operates.
Got scolded by one of the mom.
She wanted to meet my mom, so i called my mom. 
After telling my mom someone was finding for her. 
I moved on to the next topic, completely not related to that person. 
She misunderstood my sentence and thought I was talking to my mom about her.
When actually I was saying about sth else.

So she said I shouldnt call people " yatsu - in english it means that person but it have other meaning too"
I was so not referring to her,but i got scolded like hell infront of everyone-.-
then when my mom come, she was no where to be found, so i thought she left or what.
Then she was hiding in a corner-.-
She stomp over and scolded me saying : you know i am waiting, why never call me."

then i gotta apologize to her. & she told my mom she wanna cancel , dont want her kid to study there.
I was like hello, i alr apologize like one dog leh. 
All the teachers around were shock too at how she reacted, everyone knew i wasn't refering to her.
& from what I expected, she is not a true blue japanese, she is a singaporean.
Don't really know Japanese please dont anyhow assume, no one was talking about you k.

Really felt demoralize by the way she scolded me infront of everyone, in such a loud voice.
but mom comforted me through sms telling me not to mind and go help the p1 teacher in her class. 
After i reach home, mom came & slept beside me telling me dont mind again, really make me feel better mom (: 

A note to myself:
Never talk on the phone infront of any mom. In case any of them become as paranoid as that auntie. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


well, lets start everything a fresh in a new blog !

so my first post will be on stupid ex boyf's that are not willing to let go of their ex. 

I met H, through  L .  

Although I heard about the abusive r/s she was in with a guy, 
I thought L must have exaggerated but i was wrong. 

The first day that we met was when H was with her ex boyf ( refuse to let her go) under the ex boyf block. 
He shouted at her and etc when she stood beside us. 
Reported to the police , & I was nervous like hell.
Counselling H when me myself was scared like shit. 

Then the police arrived, they proceeded to take down the statements.
Left at 12-1am &I had work the next day. 

That was the first day I met her, after which we started to meet up and go out with L♥.

Yesterday , we celebrated L birthday together. 
Called  to pick us up but he said he still haven end work.
So called Panda to come pick us up, & he was so awesome enough to pick us up ! (:
But there was another friend of his in the car  ( I think god was protecting us)
Send H back home first, & she told us there was a pasar malam nearby.
So Panda parked his car & we got out,.

On our way to the pasar malam we fucking suay suay saw him. 
LIKE TIO 4D also not so zhun la!

So L♥ as usual very guailan-ly talk to him. HAHA, but she didnt shout la.
then that stupid guy shouted at her, so she got damn pissed.
however panda & his friend, stood between us to protect H.

We continued walking towards the pasar malam, thought that Panda & his friend stop him.
But apparently he managed to come beside us. 
& continued the harassment. 

He even came close enough to H to pull off her necklace saying he bought for her .
Then Panda & his friend rushed forward to pull him away again. 
In the end, H's mum happen to be on her way home & walked pass us. 

Mum realise when L♥ called her. Came over and enquire what happen. 
She scolded him and all when Panda & friend was talking to him . 
So Panda told her to cool down and go first. 
But you think that guy so easy to give up ah!
He followed us all the way, Panda & friend walked beside him so as not to let him come close to H.

In the end, when we were almost reaching H block, he threaten H mum saying dont regret if you see your daughter tmr on the floor, lying dead.
I was fucking angry la!! 

He still exposed L♥ secrets, & say me & L♥ bad company introduce to those type of guys. 
Had the burning urge to fucking scold him in the face say : " Eh, at least I know these guys wont hurt her like how you hurt her"
BUT i thought let's not piss him further, never know what he might do. 
So finally reach the lift, went up with H, H's mum & L♥.
Came back down, the guy left. So we decided to stay in case he come back again.

he came back, looked at us , asked us :" Why you are still here" and walked into the lift.
Panda & friend rush in to the safe lift, while me & L♥ stayed downstairs preparing to call the police anytime soon. 

Panda messaged us awhile later telling us to call the police.
So I called & reported again (second time).
Had a stomach-ache and really wanted to do my business.
So L
♥ helped me ask H if i can go up to her house. 
reached and we went up together. Me & L♥ went in while  stayed outside with Panda & friend.
H's mum was really nice to me, cause my stomach was aching but nothing came out. 
So she kept giving suggestions to me. ()

After that police came, & well asking about what happen, taking down statement & etc la.
Finally everything ended at 12.15-12.30 .
my mummylove♥ was noisy but she didn't nag at me when i reach home at 1. (rare sight)

I hope that H's ex will stop disturbing H so that she can have her own life.
She's still 17, I don't think she should suffer like this.
H wants to go out with who, at what time is none of your fucking business.
At least her friends won't lay their hands on her.
At least her mum's know her daughter is safe.
You don't have the rights to say anything.

To H if you are reading:
You are beautiful.
There are much better guys out there.
I hope you don't stop yourself from a r/s because of this one r/s.
L♥ , Panda & me will always be here for you.