Monday, December 9, 2013

Riot at Little India

So I was at boyf's house till 10.30pm, and we didnt notice anything until his friend whatsapp-ed him the photo...

Didnt see anything different at his house area...
But got a shock when I got home, and more images of the riot started circulating around.

I'm not gonna comment on how I feel about the riot, cause I don't know what happen,
& I wasn't there..

But what I wanna comment on is the way singaporeans react to this riot.
Racist joke coming from here and there.
Posting numerous status , all joking about those indians flip car like flip prata...

I don't get why some people can be so insensitive.
Well, f you all. Seriously.
Stop generalizing the whole population...
Don't know how stupid people can get....
I have Indian friends in  SCDF & SOC that got deployed to the scene.
& they risk their lives to save others.
So f-king stop your generalization...

In addition to that, there are the stupid keyboard warriors..
They comment on why our police officers are running away from the riot.
Hello la. They are normal police officer, not train in handling these riot.
That was what they could do during that situation, to ensure the safety of the police officers.
If you got so much to say, why not you go into the crowd and try to stop it...
Only know how to talk and no actions.

Gotta cool myself down.
No use getting angry over these ppl.
Feeling so angry, cause so many guys around me are in the police force
& they sacrifice their weekends, their holidays to protect Singapore,
& all these Singaporeans can only think of criticizing them on these type of occassions.

Photos of the riot that I managed to find on the Internet

Hope the guy that was trying to stop those workers from attacking the bus wasn't arrested...